Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Zomato Hacked

Just got the news that Zomato has been hacked and 17 millions users records have been sold on dark trace. The database includes emails and password hashes of registered Zomato users.
In 2015 also the company was hacked by a white hat Indian Hacker named Anand. Zomato assured no payment information has been stolen.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

WannaCry - Ransomware

The morning on 12th May was not good. It started with the news of a ransomware attack that impacted 74 countries by that time. The biggest and largest victim was UK NHS where the computers of several hospitals were targeted with WannaCry Ransomware. The files on the computers were encrypted by the malware and users were asked to pay $300 in bitcoin to restore their documents.
The services of these hospitals were impacted severely and Doctors were using pen and papers for critical tasks. A&E was closed for non-critical patients.
Within three days wannacry spread like fire in the jungle and by the time this blog is being written there are already 150 countries which have been impacted by this nasty malware.
In China 30,000 organizations were affected on Mainland China.
More than 4,300 educational institutes were infected.
In France auto manufacture Renault were not able to open its plant in Douai.
In Japan  over 2,000 computers were affected. Nissan Motor, Hitachi were also impacted.
In India 120 computers were impacted in Gujrat Govt. GSWAN. Computers in Kerla and Andhra Pradesh were also impacted  by the malware. Police department in Mumbai was also impacted by the malware.
The national power company a hospital and one private business were impacted in Taiwan.